Have a Healthy Holiday

The holidays. Gifts, and trees, and food, and cookies, and more food, and family gatherings, and parties, and more food, and more parties. And maybe some cute kiddos singing Christmas songs, followed by food. It can be filled with so much, it’s sometimes amazing we all get through it!!

If it’s possible, and we can take a moment to be still, I think we can slip back into the old feeling we had as a child; of knowing that Christmas is coming. Even if not for the gifts, maybe it was a time where friends and family were gathered together, and extra hugs and kisses given.

I enjoy giving gifts. Especially with my kiddos. I love listening to them to see what hints they drop on something they would like. (Or flat out tell me something they would like.) And of course, their faces when they get just what they wanted. 

Yet I’d be foolish if I didn’t bring up the best gift of all, and the reason for the season- Jesus. Things are so busy. And while our days are filled with fun and family and friends and gifts, I don’t want the real reason there is anything to celebrate, to be missed. Yes, I’m passionate about this, and yes, I’ve said it before, but I don’t want you to miss this most amazing gift; the gift of Jesus himself.  It will be the biggest and best decision of your life.

Once you’ve accepted the gift above, how about a gift that has to do with your family’s health? Has that ever crossed your mind? I admit that until about a year ago it never would have crossed mine.  Yet now this- helping people with their health and wellness- is my second biggest passion. And while gym memberships are great, and we do happen to belong to a gym  (and I’m thankful for it with all the holiday food around), that’s not what I mean.  Oils. Hear me out. Oils have been around since the beginning of time, and think there is no coincidence they are mentioned in the Bible. Why not check out a gift for you and your family that can bring benefits all year long? If you are looking for a time to get essential oils into your home, and chemicals out, there’s no better time than NOW! I call it the Gift of Wellness. And if you are thinking, oils are a trend or just for health nuts, I was there, too. Or, if you are in the mindset of thinking “wellness” is expensive, how about illness??!! Now while oils don’t cure you of anything, they are amazing in that they support our body systems so they can do what they were created to do.  Brilliant, I know!! It’s all about preventative maintenance.  Keeping the body and immune system supported throughout the year. Then, when inevitably stuff comes along, which it will, unless you live in a bubble, your body is ready!!

Click here to read more on why you need these amazing little bottles in your life. And why you get what you pay for, so go big or go home, friends. Oh, and when you connect with me, you get the most amazing support and resources, along with your starter kit. This alone is priceless!! Because if you are like me, you have no idea where to begin, or what to do with said bottles once you get them. A community of people also trying to do the best they can for their family and ridding their homes of toxins and chemicals makes ALLLLL the difference.

So that’s my challenge to you, friends.  I want everyone to have a healthy holiday this year- both physically and spiritually. May we change our mindset on gifts; one to receive and one to give. And yes, I’m very passionate about both. Neither may be on any gift list that you, or your family members have, but just might be what makes the biggest difference in your lives.

Embrace Life!!

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