Joy- 2020

Joy. That was my “word” for 2020.

Ironic, I realize.

I was challenged a couple of years ago to intentionally choose a fruit of the spirit from the Bible to focus on each year. And on a fresh January morning, “joy” was the word that wouldn’t escape my mind.

2020 was a rough year; for everyone. Covid aside, I encountered cancer. My mom did, too. Both of us required surgery. To say that I wanted to wish the year away is probably an understatement. Yet, I set out January 1 with the word JOY as my focus, and I intended to see that through. Again, very ironic as I had no idea what was to come.

Joy is very different than happy. I learned that first hand this year, more than any other. Happy is an emotion. Joy is a choice based on my hope in the Lord and His plan, which is much bigger than mine. (Thank goodness it is.) And I believe, based on this understanding that it leads to happiness as well.

We had cancelled trips, quarantine birthdays, confirmed that we are not a homeschool family, and so on. But in the essence of choosing joy, I cannot deny the many highs we experienced. A full (and fairly quick) recovery from my surgery, quality family time, daily puzzles, games, dance parties, weekday lunches with daddy, movie nights, planting 2 garden beds, bike rides, outside playtime, walks to the desert to “explore”, and swimming, swimming, and more swimming. I had time to just “be” with my kids. Man, I just love my redheads. They are truly amazing. A gift from God.

That all might not seem very exciting to most. Yet it was such a simple and sweet time for my family. I hope you experienced a similar, sweet time.

I chose joy; to look back and be grateful for those blessings within the trials of 2020. I’d be lying if I said I chose joy every day. I didn’t. I had plenty of times where I darn near (or did) lost it. But joy kept drawing me back. And man, has it grown me. That’s God’s doing, I realize. He loves me (and you) enough to not let us just stay where we are. I encourage you to let Him grow you this year.

If we aren’t growing, we are stagnant. And while it may be a comfortable place to be, is it really living? Is that all we are really supposed to do in life- be stagnant? I believe we are meant for greater things than even we know we are capable of.

My word for 2021 is peace. Kind of excited to see how it plays out.

Embrace Life!

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