The Gift

I hope you all had a wonderful Christmas! And I wonder, what is the greatest gift you’ve ever been given?

Think wayyyy back. A toy, a game, a trip? Do you remember who it was from?

The other Sunday the pastor asked about a gift that we’ve been given that isn’t tangible. And could that be an even greater gift? Could something like a trial or hard time actually be turned around to become a “gift”? Wow. Blew my mind.

If I’m honest with myself, I really can’t remember many tangible gifts I’ve been given. To admit that a thoughtful item received from someone hasn’t stayed with me over the years is sad, but true. I feel very loved, and have received lots of wonderful gifts, don’t get me wrong. And don’t miss my point.

I chose a picture of my sweet redheads for this post. All children are gifts, for sure. And I love mine something fierce. Yet, it’s what surrounds me receiving them as a blessing from the Lord that I actually see as 2 of my biggest gifts. Infertility struggles and cancer. (I developed a tumor on my thyroid during my second pregnancy.)

That seems crazy. But is it? When was a time that you’ve grown most in your life? And more importantly, when was a time that you grew closer to God? I believe he uses the “not great” times to bring us closer to him. Times when nothing makes sense, when things seem impossible, or unending, or health is not good. It’s in those times that we cling to God. That we know that HE is the only thing that makes sense. The only constant in the chaos. The only one who can bring hope to a hopeless situation. Now, I also believe we can draw close to God in the good times as well. But let’s be honest that those times we often just float along and do our thing. Our thing. But in those times that I cried out to God and then I waited; sometimes hearing nothing. Other times hearing, “trust me”.

Let me encourage you to “lean in” to God during times of trial, as my friend Julie would say. Let Him work on your heart, and your mind. During both times my mind kind of took over; in a bad way. It’s a dangerous thing to let lies the world tells you and negativity rule in your brain.

I never want anyone to struggle with infertility or cancer or any other trial in life. And so, so many have had much greater difficulties than I have. Yet, if I’m honest, those two times were a gift in my relationship with Jesus and knowing my personal need for him. I came through both stronger than before. And for that, I’m grateful for the “gift”. And you can be, too.

Embrace Life

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