Ok, more than their clothes, I was thinking I wanted to capture both of “them” for just a moment.
I have my boy who started Kindergarten. I’m an Elementary School mom. What?! How did that happen?

I have my daughter and former baby starting preschool. Again, what?! My no longer a baby, calling herself a big girl, wearing a backpack, and going to school. Stop. My heart almost can’t take it.
So, I want to capture. I want to remember. He’s the boy who made me a mommy. She’ll always be my “baby”. But man, they are growing too darn fast.

He’s wearing an Old Navy shirt, because even a collared shirt needs to be “comfy”, and Cat & Jack elastic waist shorts. Anyone else have a boy who is growing much taller than he is filling out? Kid can’t keep his pants up he’s so thin! Elastic waists are legit- for grown ups too.
She’s wearing good old Carter’s. Those sunflowers though!!

And the fact that they like each other. They will put their arms around each other without coaxing. Man I hope that lasts!!
So each new school year brings the opportunity of so many things. What do you have going on in your world?
I’m trying to reevaluate. Put my life into a better order. I run well on routine. I know not all do. Trying to allow for the unexpected, but use my time well while the kids are in school, so that I can be more present while they are home. Because life goes fast.
Embrace It
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