Family Photo Shoot 2017

I’ll get this right out there:  I’m not a fan of family picture day!! Anyone else out there?? Family photo shoots done at home are enough to make you feel like you’re a glutton for punishment (I realize that I recently posted on just this topic), but add that you are paying a nice person for their time, and it creates a huge amount of tension in me, that undoubtedly spills out all over onto my family.  Yuck- sorry guys.

Even before the “big day” there is the issue of clothing.  For some reason I still end up coordinating everyone’s outfits, after saying to myself that next year I’m not going to worry about it so much.  And we always take pictures with my sister’s family, as well as my mom.  So we get our plan, and here go the 3 women running around like chickens with our heads cut off to find the best thing for each person in the family to wear.  Once that is accomplished, I’ll realize I forgot to focus on my outfit (sheesh!), or inevitably someone will still find a way to lose a shoe or pair of pants on the “big day.” Seriously, how does this happen??

(Oh, and if you’d like to know more about my awesome sis and her fam, check out her blog.)

Now I’ll step back a little.  I LOVE what family pictures represent.  Documenting how the kids looked at that time, having pictures together with family that we can see when we aren’t together, even the funny things that happened during the photo shoot. Last year, known as the “desert pictures,” are surrounded by memories of everyone getting poked by a cactus or plant.  Asher even said, “We aren’t going to the desert again this year, are we?” He’s 4- and he remembered!! LOL!! (Aren’t my redheads so cute and little!!)

Actually, this year, Brandon has a new memory of being poked by a cactus- and we were in a place where I think there was only 1 cactus!! Ryan (brother-in-law) may have had something to do with this…

Ironically, it every year turns out that there are a lot of really great pictures! For that, I’ll thank our photographer Amanda.  Yet, I want to post some of the not perfect ones, as I think this really represents more how things are, in pictures, and in life.  And I know I’m biased, but my family is pretty great, so they still look cute, handsome, and beautiful!!


Above we have the infamous 4 year old “cheese” smile.  Followed by Maggie looking at us flailing around like crazy people to try to get her to smile.  Not having it.  Yet, we got a winner!

And my mom tries so hard every year to get a picture with her and all her grandbabies.  Not an easy task.  I think they all look pretty great. Ok, and I’ll sneak one in of my awesome hubby and I.  Love that background.


Here’s the whole gang and my fav picture of the day, Ash and Nolan.  They totally sat down and did this on their own.  Cousins and buds.  Love it.


If you are not family picture people, I encourage you to try it.  No coordinated clothing or even a professional photographer is necessary.  And the memories will be priceless!!

Or do you have a crazy photo session story?  Cactus may or may not be be included. Ha!

And yes, just so everyone (including my immediate family) knows- we will ALWAYS do family photos each year.  I love the outcome too much.  Get ready to say, “cheese!!”

Embrace Life!

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