Freedoms- 2020

Every year around Independence Day I feel a bit nostalgic. A bit emotional. And I’m feeling it even more this year. Yes, our July 4th “celebrations” will look different. We’ve already cancelled an annual trip we take. So I get it.

Yet, here’s what I’m feeling. While some of our freedoms are not as they were, we are ultimately still free. We live in an amazing country that countless people fought and died to protect. And now while we may be focusing on smaller freedoms where things are closed, or masks are required, let’s not forget the bigger picture. People fought and died to create “America” and for it to be free. If you have forgotten, talk to a friend or family member who had a loved one die in the line of duty- whether past or present- I bet they didn’t forget.

Numerous people die every year fleeing their country to come to America. Because we have it better; than most of the world. Let’s remember that and live as such. Live within the guidelines set up to protect us. You may not always agree with our government or a certain leader. Guess what, people cannot be pleased ALL of the time. I think that’s part of what makes our country great- we can have an opinion and not be incarcerated or killed. (Even though tragically our current events show people taking things to extremes and going against this.) We can pray for our leaders and use our right to vote to make changes. Or hey, run for office yourself if you can do it better.

We live in a great country. The great U.S. of A. Strip away all the junk and go back to that. And if you really don’t believe that, don’t let the door hit ya. There are thousands who would die to take your place. Literally. No country or government is perfect. People are flawed. You and me included.

If you are passionate about something, fight the good fight to make it better. A fight that you are proud to share about with your children and grandchildren. Or, support those in the fight.

This weekend I challenge you to make a celebration in your own home. Have fun with your own family. Fire up the grill, put on some music, get the sparklers out, and have an old fashioned good time. For the sole reason that we are blessed to live in America; land of the free, because of the brave.

God Bless America!

Embrace Life

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  1. Love your message and whole heartedly agree!
    Happy 4th of July and GOD BLESS America!!