Lots to Celebrate

I definitely had a lot to celebrate in the month of February, 2023.

It’s been 12 years since Brandon and I went on our first date.

I had a wonderful 45th birthday with family and friends.

And the one that will forever beat everything as far as importance- I’m cancer free! Like it’s GONE! Even all the lymph nodes with cancer cells inside them that the doctor has been watching and we would need to discuss what to do about at some point- Gone!

God healed me.

I want to pause and sit here a moment. Not the part that the cancer is gone (which is amazing), but the part about God healing me.

Both my endocrinologist and GP doctors tried to explain it away that maybe some past tests weren’t correct, or some nonsense. But I had 1 treatment of radioactive iodine in April of 2021, which was in my system 6-8 weeks. I’ve not had a treatment of any sort since. And in October of 2021, my cancer numbers went up. And yes, I’ve focused on exercising and what I eat. Yet I stand firm: this was not a medical healing, nor a healing by chance. This was a divine healing.

Sometime in January, God impressed to me (I did not hear an audible voice, but I heard a clear voice in my spirit), “I am healing you”. And I knew he was. I don’t say this to be prideful. I just knew he said it and he would do it. I didn’t know how or when.

Why did God choose to heal me? I’m not sure. Why me and not so many others? No idea.

I do know that he has the aerial view of all things past, present, and future, and I do not. And all things are done for his glory.

He has since impressed upon me that I have work to do. I’m not entirely sure what that means or looks like, but it obviously required my healing for what he has next in store for me. At this point I’m praying about what it means; I’ll keep you posted.

Thank you to so many who have prayed and helped during my cancer journey. It did not go without notice, and I am forever grateful. And it really did take a village to help out me and my family at times. Again, forever grateful.

Yet, I would be mistaken to just stop this update with a thank you. I need to go so far as to say- share my story. Use it as a healing story and a story showing answered prayers. And if you don’t know Jesus, use it as a catalyst to start a conversation about what it means to know Jesus personally.

I’m not sure what my future holds, but I know who holds my future. And I will continue to bring up my redheads as I share my story.

Embrace Life

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