Mind Reset

Do you ever feel you need a mind reset?
Like you need to get all the junk swimming around in your head out, and get back to basics. Back to what’s really important. Church (well God) does that for me.
During the week I can get so caught up in activities or what I see going on in people’s lives on social media. I’m human- yes that happens to me.
And then I can be out in nature and God’s creation suddenly overwhelms me, or I can even hear a service on Sunday that makes me reset and remember- Seek first the Kingdom…

I logically know that; the seek first the Kingdom part. But let’s be honest, that can be hard. It can be hard to even know what it means, and it can be hard to have that come before little people with “big” needs and a million other things that can just come before. I can even have good intentions of spending quality God time during a day, and then before I know it, it’s time for bed and quality time hasn’t happened.

And what does “seek first the Kingdom” mean? I believe it means that when we first focus on God, all things in life fall into place. That doesn’t mean that life becomes easy, but it falls into God’s plan for your life. And we stop wrestling with what the world tells us is important.

I know that I often need a reset. And I’m thankful I’m aware of it.

Every morning is a fresh start, so do a daily reset if need be. Or allow church to be a weekly reset for you. If you need a reset, own it and do it. It will be so worth it. You will be a better parent, and even a better person, because of it.

Matthew 6:33 ESV

But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.

Embrace Life

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