The Parenting Journey

Our oldest child, Asher, turned 10.

After being a parent for a decade, I thought it might be nice to give some tips to new parents. (And can I just say that I’m still in a little bit of shock about having a 10 year old!)
Yet, as I’m sure any parent can tell you, no matter how long you’ve been a parent, you don’t know it all. I’d even go so far to say I don’t have much figured out.

As in life, parenting is a journey, not a destination.
You try to do things “right” or what seems logically like the best thing to do for your child, or in a situation. Sometimes it goes well, sometimes it doesn’t.

Above all- love them.
Beyond that…
Pray a lot and ask for wisdom.
Seek advice of trusted friends who are also parents.

I was told once- “just know your kid”. 
Seems logical. And I’ve learned this to be true more as they’ve gotten a little older.
When kids are little, you make most decisions to keep them safe and healthy. And the decisions are totally based on what you know. Their little opinions don’t matter in most situations.

And although this is true as they grow (keeping them safe and healthy)- get to know your kids. When you know what makes them function best and happy, you can often make more tailored decisions for each of them. Decisions that help them thrive and set them up for success.

But we are still human. And situations or circumstances change. So I go back to the beginning: pray and seek wisdom and guidance. Above all, love your kids and then you’ll blink and they are a decade+ old.

You’ve got this. You’re doing great.

Embrace Life

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