This post was going to be different.
I had longed to do a photo shoot with my sweet Mags since she turned 3. But life happens, then my cancer, then Covid. Yet, we finally managed to make it happen. And I wanted to share my photos.
And as life does, it keeps changing, so now I’m prompted to share something more than pictures.
Virtual school with my first grade son is HARD! (Stick with me as this apparent rabbit trail will come full circle.) I’ll venture to say it’s harder than home schooling. Please don’t get me wrong, for I do not say this lightly. My amazing sister has homeschooled for over 6 years. I am not wired to do what she does. What I feel is harder about virtual school is that we are on “their” schedule. For us, we do 5 Zoom calls a day. The calls are at specific times to meet with teachers for some synchronous learning. Then in between and at the end of the day is asynchronous learning. Our lunch break is even planned out for us. I feel they were trying to stay as much on the schedule the kids would have had in person. I get it. But it’s HARD. After sitting at the screen for hours, we both shake it off and I remember I have kids and a household to take care of. Oh yes, and a business to run.
Not to say that what is required of a homeschool mom to accomplish during a day is different from this, but I do know that my sister was able to come up with her own schedule. She built in breaks and chores and dialed it in perfectly for her family’s needs. Get some great tips from her here.
And then there’s my Maggie, whom I love so much. Sweet Mags has just been left hanging at this point. She was set to attend the preschool on the same campus as Asher’s elementary school. There is no virtual preschool- thank the Lord- so we wait until the school can open in person. I commend all parents out there juggling virtual learning for multiple kids!! I have some good friends doing it and it is flat out crazy to have multiple Zooms going with multiple schedules to monitor.
So while Asher and I are at the computer or doing his work, Mags has to be otherwise occupied. Thank goodness for Memaw who steps in to do educational things with her daily.
Yet my mom guilt is real, and growing, as I tell her for the millionth time- “I can’t, I have to help brother”.
I posted this on social media not too long ago and was flooded with encouragement. Thank you! I was reminded that the times I have filled Maggie’s cup will sustain her through this. Kids are resilient. And that I was divinely appointed to be both Maggie and Asher’s mom, even during this specific situation. I must keep praying for us and the time at hand. And although my heart is breaking for my feelings of neglecting my sweet girl, she will be ok. And so will I.

Friend- if you are in a similar situation, I want to encourage you, too! You were divinely appointed to be the mama of your children. And you are equipped to sustain them through this. Even if that means reaching out to other for help as needed. And pray- always pray.
We’re all in this together.
Embrace Life