Lightning Ash and Thunder Mags. Never hear of them? Well, they are very famous superheros in our house. Asher made up his alter ego (Lightning Ash) over a year ago. He is talked about and referenced often. Sometimes Asher turns into Lightning Ash when he’s playing, or when he needs to accomplish a specific task. I am informed about facts regarding said superhero on almost a daily basis.
Mommy, did you know Lightning Ash can lift a car? Did you know Lightning Ash can go across the country in 1 second? Lightning Ash can breathe in outer space. Mommy, did you feel a gust of wind go by you? That was Lightning Ash.
And when you have a little sister who sees you become Lightning Ash and she also wants to be a superhero, you come up with a sidekick. Enter Thunder Mags. And she loves it.
Every time it storms, they take their jobs of providing lightning and thunder very seriously. (Somehow, Asher made the transition of being a superhero ready to help those in need, to being the ultimate lightning guy. His powers were derived from “the biggest lightning bolt in the whole world”!! -Asher’s words.)
Anyway…we decided to have some fun and create outfits for Lightning Ash and Thunder Mags before Halloween. Now by “create” I mean take other costumes and slightly alter them to make their outfits. Then we just had to do a little photo shoot. And no, we are not professionals, and we are not for hire. Ha!! This is raw and real y’all. I know, I know, we may have gone too far by even thinking of this, but we had fun.
So, without further ado, here are Lightning Ash and Thunder Mags!!

Hope this made you smile!!
Embrace Life