Ever notice how you tell kids to do a crazy face for a picture, and they don’t hesitate at all. Not one second. Makes me think that I probably need to be more ready to be silly at any moment. Ha!
Can anyone else not believe that Halloween is already right around the corner??
One tradition we have is taking pictures of the kids with pumpkins on the front porch after we head out to the pumpkin patch. It makes me feel even more like fall, even though when we took these it was probably about 90 outside. I love to see how much the kids change and grow each year. So, we donned our redheads in their orange and black and had some fun. (They are actually getting pretty good at doing quick photo shoots.)

What’s funny is that we have a fall tree, and you can see lights through the window a bit. This is our first year of doing a fall tree. I’ve thought about it for years, and my sister inspired me to finally do it.
In case you are wondering, yes, we use our Christmas tree and decorate it for fall. (Hey, use it more than 1 month a year, right!!) The kids had a blast decorating and love having it up. While my original vision might have included a classy tree that Joanna Gaines would be proud of, our finished product is much more “us”.
I got some great decor at Hobby Lobby, and the kids made the rest from craft supplies I picked up there as well. Asher absolutely loves any sort of art project, so he was all over this. And let me offer some encouragement, if you like the idea at all, go with it. Your kids will love the fall tree!!
And one final tidbit I’ll give ya that I absolutely love is our tree stand. Y’all, I went on Amazon and bought a metal umbrella stand. Similar to this one. There are lots of options. It’s basically a round circle bottom with a hollow pole coming out that the tree base sets into. I’ll share it again at Christmas with a better picture focused on it.

Embrace Life!
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