It’s official. We have a redheaded boy in Kindergarten, and a redheaded girl in Preschool!! How about you all? Do your kids have some milestones happening at the start of this school season as well?

Asher did great. It helped that we chose to have him do a 4 day camp for a couple of hours each day with his actual teachers, the week before school started. Yet, he’s a kid that although he expresses to us that he is nervous, he does well in new situations and with new people.

Then we have sweet Maggie Jane. Isn’t it crazy how people raised in the same home are so very different?? Their personalities are pretty opposite. While Asher loves new situations and lots of people around, Maggie withers behind me.
Knowing this, we built up preschool strategically but positively. She really seemed genuinely excited. Yet meet the teacher started with tears and clinging to mommy. But ended with finding a small water table and not wanting to leave. So I guessed as much would happen on day 1 (or day 1+).
The big morning arrived. My mom graciously took Asher to school so we could have time just with Maggie on her special morning. She was ready and asked when we were leaving for “her” school. But we got to the classroom door and…sobbing. Uncontrolled sobbing. I held her, and let daddy lead her inside. I was a wreck. Did I make the wrong choice to send her?

If you’ve had a similar situation, maybe you can relate. Mom guilt kicks in pretty strong here as your child cries. Yet I know Maggie. And this is what she does. She hasn’t gone to daycare, but she has been in childcare at our church since she was super little. I’m told that once I’m gone, she calms down and is fine.
Praying it was the case here, I was the first one waiting outside the classroom door. Wanting terribly to see no tears, and possibly a smile.
And…success!! A small smile. But man, she talked my ear off about her day at her school alllll the way home. And I won’t lie, day 2 still started with tears, but also ended with a big smile. Baby steps. I’ll take it.

So mama, take heart if your little one has a hard time separating. I think it’s ok to know that they are in a safe place and mommy will come back. And I’m also reminding myself that a day might come where the one who won’t let you go now, might want you far away someday. (I’m not cut out for the teen years.) So for today, let them cling as they’d like.
Embrace Life