In good conscience, I could not let the month of March end without showing my redheads all decked out in green. Sometimes it’s good to just embrace things.
When Ash was first born, it was a complete shock to us that he had red hair. I mean, seriously. I am not Irish. As far as he knows, my husband is not Irish. And although it’s obviously not the only place red hair comes from, it’s one of the first things people assume (they usually don’t ask, they comment that we must be from Irish descent). Oh people.
We learned quickly that our beautiful boy with lots of beautiful hair, was going to get a lot of attention because of that hair. It’s an interesting dynamic really. Most people are super sweet. But I always find the “you have a ginger” comment makes my mama bear come out a little. As I’m sure we’ve all heard that term used in a negative way. Again, oh people.
Over the years I’ve learned the following things: I embrace and love when I hear people comment on my kids’s hair. (Mainly because it is freaking amazing.) I embrace when people use the term “ginger”. Then I usually respond with something like, “Isn’t it beautiful,” or “People pay a lot for that color”. And I embrace that St. Patrick’s Day is a fab holiday for them, because dang, they look good in green.
So without further ado, enjoy the redheaded cuteness in green. Didn’t know you needed that, did ya. You’re welcome.
Embrace Life