Hello friends! Happy Valentine’s Day to you!!
So I have to admit that I’ve not been a fan of this holiday. I spent many years as a single person and always felt left out and alone. I believed the lie that I had to have that “special person” in my life to celebrate love. I write more about it in this post. Please take a quick read and hear my heart on this. If you get what I’m talking about here, put your foot down and say, “no more”! You are so darn worthy of love that Jesus gave it all for you!! And, I realized that while I am so thankful and blessed to have my husband and kiddos, I am equally blessed to have family and friends who are as close as family. That is all something worth celebrating!!
And now, without further adieu, cute redheads with hearts on their clothing to brighten your day. You’re welcome.

No matter your hair color, no matter your dating or marital status, I encourage you to embrace this Valentine’s Day and embrace life!!