All in Your Head

Love my redheads.  Love so, so much about them.  But really, what’s up with their heads? They seem to have very sensitive heads.  Like really, really, sensitive.  So am I crazy, or is this a thing with redheads??

I also wonder if being a redhead makes them more dramatic.  I mean, they are the only 2 kiddos I’ve got so I don’t have much comparison, but man, we seem have a lot of drama in this house.  Now granted, I think a LOT of drama comes between ages 2 and like 6 (going on 16) just in general.

I’m one who loves having my hair brushed.  I find it relaxing.

But when it comes to my kiddo’s hair, holy cow.  Now take Asher, for instance.  His hair is like one inch long.  And the poor kid wakes up with it going every which way.  And when I comb or brush it, he says I’m ripping out all of his hair.  I wish you could hear the drama- it’s quite impressive. Maggie also hates having her hair brushed or put up.  My mom has done their hair to see if I’m the only one who tortures, and apparently, she does, too.

My saving grace has been a Wet Brush (which is amazing, by the way). I found a “baby” version of the Wet Brush that works best for their hair when dry.  At least it cuts down the drama to the basic- why do I have to stop playing to have my hair messed with- versus- you are tearing all my hair out. Ha!

So I kind of write this tongue-in-cheek, but seriously, is it all in their heads, or are their heads more sensitive?? And if so, here’s a heads up to all you other #momofredheads out there.  I would love to hear stories!

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