
Want to know a sure fire way to humble someone? Destroy something about them. It could be part of their identity, their career, a freedom, or even something physical. That sounds so drastic, I realize. And I’m not even trying to sound crazy or pessimistic. But think about it, if something that is a big part of you is completely changed or gone, it’s a source of humility. Our world situation is a perfect example and I think a lot of people are feeling this way.

Even before the current craziness, I had cancer.

Talk about humbling. Cells taking over a part of my body that I no control over. 

I thank Jesus (not nearly enough) that it was contained, and the doctor feels that after seeing the labs that it is gone, and that I was at a contained stage 1. Halleluiah!

A big part about me that I’ve previously shared was that I had prior (more minor) health problems I overcame and longed to encourage people to do the same. And the Bible tells us that our body is a temple. Balanced focus on investing in health is not something one will regret.

Yet now, who wants hear about taking care of your health, your wellness, from a girl who had cancer.

What if you, or I, are meant to really meet Jesus during times of trial or uncertainty (health related or otherwise) and it is all part of the plan? And now, maybe I’m exactly who you need to hear from. I’ve got nothing else to offer but my story. Well, it’s a story of God’s grace and mercy, actually. And I encourage you to learn more about God’s story of love through sending Jesus, if it’s new to you.

I believe that we are called to help others. That we go through things in order to reach out a hand to someone else and say, “take my hand, I’ve walked this road before”. And while our world is in a brand new situation and no one has walked through “this” before, there are aspects of it such as fear, uncertainty, financial hardship, health crisis, etc., that people HAVE walked through. And that, we can share. I’ve had so many women reach out to me lately about health issues, separate from anything COVID 19 related. It’s been a blessing to talk with them.

So, I’m not only humbled, I’m thankful for my scar. The words of this song (called Scars by I Am They) fill my head.

“So I’m thankful for the scars.

‘Cause without them I wouldn’t know Your heart.

And I know they’ll always tell of who You are.

So forever I am thankful for the scars.”

I write to share about me; show where I’m at. Even to show my scars. I’m not perfect, and I don’t have it all together. But I know that when I surrender to the One who holds the world in His scarred hands, I’ll humbly figure out where I’m supposed to go from here.

During this Easter season, I encourage you humbly look to your scars, to things that have gone or been taken away. Then look to His scars, which have all you need for your restoration.

Embrace Life

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