Thyroid Cancer Update

Stable. Although my numbers have changed slightly over the past 6 months, the doctor feels I’m “stable” and I can go back in another 6 months.

I’ll take it! And all the praise goes to God!

Even if my cancer had gotten worse, all my praise goes to God. It doesn’t make sense, I realize. But if you have a relationship with Him, you get it.

Our world is broken. People are broken. I am broken. The only cure is Jesus. For my cancer, and for everything else.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m ecstatic that I got the results that I did. But I’ve got to keep my focus on God, who is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow, no matter how the circumstances may seem.

Thank you to so many who have prayed for me. The power of prayer is unmatched. I’ve seen it, and I thank you.

If I can encourage you beyond that, enjoy your loved ones. Even if life is going well. Don’t wait for not great news, or hard times. Fill your cup through relationships and the amazing world around you.

Yes, take time to smell the flowers.

Embrace Life

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