Be a Mom in Prayer

We all want the best for our kids. Yet there is so much in life that is just completely out of our control. I think it was the start of school that stirred this idea within me.  Asher is now going 4 days a week.  And while it’s only preschool, he’s now gone from me more.  And I realize he’s not in the big old world yet, but soon enough he will be.  I’ll blink and he’ll be in elementary, then middle, then high school.  Then…oh I can’t even think about it yet.

Prayer is something I can control.  My redheads on the other hand…

I have zero control of God, obviously.  He is sovereign in all things.  But I can control how much I devote myself to prayer, and specifically, praying for my kids.

Couple of things I’m doing and hope they encourage you, too:

  1. I’ve chosen a verse I say to Ash every day before school. He now asks for it- pretty awesome, if you ask me. It may be the same on the entire year. Or his entire school career, who knows.  Matthew 5:16- “In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.” (ESV)
  2. This leads to scripture memorization. I know that I brought this up in my woman of prayer post. Yes, while he’s only 5, Asher can remember a lot of things. I do want him to learn to remember scripture.  And I need to model it.  I honestly feel like my brain is getting worse over time.  Yet, loving people have reminded me that I have a 5 and 2 year old and am always keeping track of like 800 things at once, and this season will pass.  Maybe my memory will come back a bit?? Either way, I need to try to make scripture memorization a priority in my life.
  3. Go with your mom gut. You know your kids best. Yet, if you feel you’d like a little guidance, have you heard of the book The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Ormartian?? Amazing.  Like God used this woman in big ways through writing books.  And, as she is a mom herself, she breaks things down into bite sized pieces, because I’m guessing she remembers not being able to finish any simple task without a child needing you.  So reading more than like 3 pages is unrealistic.  She breaks the book down into about 30 sections- perfect for one a day in a month.  Or 6 months- I’m not judging.  This will get you praying for all kinds of things for your kiddos.
  4. Join other moms and pray. Thing are always fun with friends. And take it a step further by praying for schools. I recently heard about Moms in Prayer International. It’s not rocket science to pray for your kiddo’s school, but man the way they have things organized- globally- is legit.

I’m sure I’ve just scratched the surface on what we can do to prayerfully support our kids.  I’d love to hear any other ideas y’all have!!

Embrace Life

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