Be a Woman in Prayer

Be a woman in prayer.

This has really been impressed upon me lately.  It’s so easy to go through life and be on auto with troubleshooting things as they come up.  When pretty much all the time, we (or I) should start with prayer.  I’m such a task-oriented person. Love crossing things off my list. But then, life.

So much in life is totally out of our control, and often doesn’t go as planned.  I can make my list, but find myself frustrated when things I thought would be easy to complete and cross off, aren’t, and other unforeseen things have to be added.

Prayer is something I can control.  Not the outcome, but going to the Father with my requests, my concerns, my joys. And yes, He wants to hear them all!

This is going to be a 3 part series- coming up is being a mom and then a wife in prayer. Get excited!!

Here are a few verses that have come to my mind that I’d like to share:

James 5:16 (ESV)  Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person has great power as it is working.

Philippians 4:6 (ESV)  …do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.

Romans 12:12 (ESV)  Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer.

So friends, how do we go about this??

First off, if you are a woman, you’ve met the requirement. Congrats!!

Second, here are things I believe God is wanting me to share.  And let me be totally honest that I have been seriously failing in some of these areas.  Like seriously.  I think that is actually part of God’s plan for me. He got my attention, and wants me to make some adjustments.

  1. Surround yourself with like-minded people. In this case, I’m talking about God fearing people. This does NOT mean (lots of emphasis here) that you only hang out with Christians.  Be friends with your friends.  But we do need to be around some people who will hold us accountable.  If you don’t have some of those people, find them! For me, they are girls from my church. My moms group, more specifically.  These girls are my people. We have text chains going, praying for each other as needed. They are also people who will tell me to get my head on straight, or who I can go to and say that I am losing my mind, etc. We are there for each other. We encourage each other. Period. And since most of us can’t often “fix” anything, we are there for each other through prayer.  Let’s be real here, there is strength in numbers.  I’m more apt to keep up with something in the company of others, encouraging me along the way, than trying to accomplish something solo.  We (people in general) are called to pray for each other.  And amazing things happen when we do.
  2. Join a Bible study. Like an organized Bible study. By that I mean, one that has set days to meet with other people. If not, I know that if it’s just a “do it on my own time” type of thing, I will most likely not finish.  There’s something about knowing that I will meet with the group and my responsibility is to get through the assigned lessons before that time. And most Bible studies have an element of prayer tied in, or at the least by completing the lessons, God will move me to pray. Almost all Bible studies I’ve been a part of also have a time at the end of each meeting where we pray for each other.  It can bring the group so much closer than would have been possible without praying for each other.
  3. Plan time/Start your day with God’s word. Ok, either can work here guys. I’m partial to starting the day, but it’s your call.  And again, I’m failing here. Such good intentions, but then the kids are up and we are off and running.  On days when I get myself together and at least (I say this because many of you are probably rocking a devotional, or more) read a verse of the day followed by a quick prayer, I can honestly look back and say my day went better than days when I don’t start with a verse and a prayer.  Grab a Bible app and there will most likely be a verse of the day on there. Better yet, do a daily devotional.  There are a TON out there for every type of person and stage of life, so it makes it so applicable..
  4. Memorize scripture, and pray about doing so. (Like, Lord help me remember, and what specific verse should I memorize??) I know, I’ve said it. You are like, “she’s crazy- I don’t have time for that!” I hear ya, I don’t either. I have little people, and commitments, and drop off/pick up schedules, and household chores that pull me in a million directions.  Psalms 119:11 (ESV) “I have stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you.”  I don’t think it matters if it takes us 7 days or 7 months (well, 7 months might be a bit long, but you get the idea), as long as we keep reading over a verse until it sticks. Write it down, put it on the mirror, in your purse, in the car, wherever. Then choose another. Once you do, a crazy thing starts to happen, when things come up that we pray about, scripture can also pop into your mind. It could provide hope, comfort, or direction for you or someone around you. It’s exciting to think about!!  Anyone want to be my scripture memorization accountability partner???
  5. Pray for what you are passionate about. Hopefully topics include your family and friends. If not, add them in.  It’s worth it.  Otherwise, it can be as specific as something happening with a family member this week, or as general as praying for our country.  You got this my dear!!

I hope you all find some encouragement here.  And please share other ways you get yourself in prayer.

Embrace Life!

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