
Warning: I’m going a little deep here guys. Getting a little real. Stick with me though.

Each year around the 4th of July we head to the town of Prescott with my side of the family.  Its north of Phoenix, slightly cooler (this is important when your days are spent in 115 degree weather), a quaint place to spend some time, and they have a parade.  We’ve done this for a number of years and now the kids really look forward to it.  Regular folk like us are even allowed to participate in the “kiddie” parade, as I call it.  For my son Asher, as well as my nieces and nephews, this is a huge deal!! We all wear our matching flag t-shirts (yes, we are that family), walk/ride/get pulled in the parade and then enjoy the festivities. Oh, and the ice cream.  There is always ice cream.

While thinking about the 4th this year, I was struck by the amount of freedoms I/we really do have.  I am an American.  And I’m so proud to be! I love, love, love, to travel and see the world, but there is nowhere else I’d want to live.  So many have given more than I could really ever understand to make that possible.  Thank you!!

I am free to follow Jesus (amen!), get an education, own a home, share my thoughts to you all, and you know the list goes on.  Take a moment to think through what your list is.  It came at a price; we are so blessed!

I want the very best for my kids- just like you do.  And I don’t want these freedoms to go unknown to them.  Yes I love parades, ice cream, fireworks, and even matching shirts, those things should happen, yet I don’t want Asher and Maggie to think that’s all it is. We need a balance.  I’m all about balance.  I’m so busy mommin sometimes, sticking to schedules and checking things off my list so we have the perfect _____ (fill in the blank with the holiday/event name), that I can go through the day and then lay down in bed at night and think, “did I just go through the motions?” We’ve all done it- it happens without even thinking about it.  I’m trying to be more present.  And it could look differently each day.  Don’t get me wrong, I don’t function well without a schedule, but I think it’s a good idea to have time in the schedule for unknown things- especially on days with events or holidays.  Potty accidents, unprovoked crying episodes, no naps, too much sugar.  Wait, did Memaw give you bites of her brownie, too??

At Highlands Church, which is our church home, our mom’s group has talked about blocked goals through a book we studied. (Side note- if you don’t belong to a mom’s group, I highly encourage you to do so.  Without the ability to “do life” with my girlfriends, I might seriously be locked away somewhere.) My interpretation is that we can have goals for what we’d like to happen on a holiday, an event, etc., but we need to be realistic.  Take into consideration the ages of your kids, how much you are trying to cram into one day, how much prep mama needs to do (implying how tired you’ll be when the whole shin-dig kicks off), etc.  Notice how you act when things don’t go as you’d planned, because they rarely do.  And really try to be present.  I guess it’s: have a plan, but be flexible.  There is a reason we celebrate, eat meals together across town with each side of the family, have a moment of silence, and/or say a prayer. At age appropriate times, I want my kids to know why.  They have freedoms, too, and they should know about them.  And, if we don’t get everything checked off our “perfect day” list, that’s ok, too.

I want this to encourage you!! Please know that I do not have this all figured out, and I write things that I need to listen to myself.  A lot. I really feel that mamas are the glue out there for many families.  We balance, juggle, know crazy and minute details to keep things going. Glue can be super flexible and still hold things in place.  I want to be that kind of glue. Oh, and let there be ice cream.  And maybe brownies; I love brownies.

What are your 4th of July traditions? How have you shared about your freedoms with your kids? Leave a comment.

Happy 4th of July all!  God bless!!


Embrace life!

Flag T-shirts- Old Navy

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