
Hashtags are an interesting thing. Does anyone remember life before hashtags? Yes, there was a perfectly normal life before hashtags came along.

The idea is that we use them in hopes that if the hashtag is searched, the person will find our post, and us, attached. It’s really how we are identifying our self, right?




And while I may want to use hashtags to connect with others, I need to remember that they don’t truly define me. This idea really struck me the other day.

My true identity is that I’m a daughter of the most high king, Jesus. Yet it’s so easy to get caught up in hashtags these days.

And if you are like my husband, who doesn’t do IG, and refuses to use hashtags (way to go babe, stand your ground; don’t think they are going away though), I guarantee we still place an identity on ourselves, maybe it’s just not so blatant.

I challenge you- especially friends reading this who are women- to use hashtags, but don’t let them use you.  Don’t let yourself morph away from who you are to fit into what you think you should be, or need to be.

You are a child of God.  Call on him, follow his leading and you can become who you were meant to be.

What a powerful name it is. The name of Jesus.


Embrace Life!


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