MLM Mama

Hey there mamas!!

So you may be a mama rocking it every day. You may be a mama just trying to survive the day with kids fed and sometimes clothed (hello toddlers and/or boys). Or, you may be at one of the million places in between. I’m glad you’re here!!

I love that we all come from varied backgrounds and bring those things to the table when it comes to motherhood. It makes us and our families unique. And then add in those precious (fiery) redheads, it’s a journey for sure!

Our society is funny when it comes to the topics of mamas and working- at least when grouped together. There are some very strong opinions on both sides out there. Possibly even in your own heart.

Here’s my thought. If you are a mama raising your kids to the best of your ability, you work. Done. You have a career- it’s helping your kids become the people they were meant to be; to be valuable members of society with good character. Now unfortunately you won’t get paid for it. Here in lies a potential problem.

While I don’t feel everyone needs to have a paying job outside the home, I do feel that everyone needs to be a contributing member of society. To me, with what I said above about raising awesome little people, mamas fulfill that role a million times over.

But what if you want more or your bank account needs more? Gasp! I’ve said it.

Here are some reasons why I feel pursuing an MLM (Multi-Level Marketing, or Network Marketing) career is ideal for mamas. Especially mamas whose desire is to be at home with their littles.

Couple of caveats here. I’m basing this off of the company I’m with: Young Living.  I do not know the specifics of other MLMs. Also, some of these ideas are mine, some are from an amazing woman named Sarah Harnisch and her book GamePlan. We are in no way connected, other than our love for YL.

  • You can run your own profitable business out of your home for little to no overhead cost (and in my case, no inventory).
  • You are your boss and set your own hours.
  • You can take time away to tend to your family and still get paid.
  • There is no income ceiling. NONE!! This one blows my mind!!
  • You can utilize other skill sets and leadership abilities which you undoubtedly have, yet may not be able to use with children.
  • You have regular contact with like-minded people on your team or community. Adult conversations- yay!! Relationships I’ve made have been beyond amazing!!

I think MLM (and Network Marketing) has gotten a bad rap. And probably with good reason. Mainly, someone who you think is your friend, just wants you as a client or part of their team. I really hope that someone connected with an MLM hasn’t hurt you like this, but if they have, I’m sorry.

Some reading this may have tried an MLM in the past and it went horribly wrong. Or you failed miserably. I’m so sorry if you are in that category. But just like we tell our kiddos not to give up and get back on the bike, I encourage you to do the same. I’ve had a not so good experience in the past, but am living proof that not all MLMs are created equal. Do your research!!

So why do I do this?  For one, the bullet points I listed just make sense to me.  But why do I do this with Young Living specifically?  Three of my main reasons are named Brandon, Asher and Maggie.  For me, it’s about creating a healthy home. As far as Young Living as a company (versus other oil companies out there), they adhere to the very highest standards on every part of the oil making process to bring us the best quality, and are also very environmentally aware. They call it Seed to Seal. They produce therapeutic grade oils with no fillers, no additives, just pure oils. And they have way more options when it comes to oils, blends, and oh my- the amazing amount of products! For me and my family, it’s really a one-stop shop. I have transferred over so many things we use every day to buying the non-toxic, Young Living brand, instead of other brands elsewhere. And do some research on cancer statistics.  Especially the percentage of cancer caused by genetics.  It’s lower than you think!! Which means what then?? External factors.  You can’t control it all, but you can eliminate chemicals and toxins in your home in so many easy ways.

If having a home like this resonates with you, let me know.  I’d love to be there for you, equip you with an insane amount of resources, and walk alongside you on your journey.  Teaching and connecting with others over creating a toxin-free home fills my tank like no other. Or, click here to jump on board.

I love that through running my own business I’m able to teach, lead, empower, encourage and provide.

I’m Amanda, and I’m proud to be an MLM Mama.

Embrace Life!

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