Thanksgiving 2020

Lately I feel that to even write or reference “2020” is like using a bad word. I’ve honestly never felt that way about a year before. And I bet I’m in good company feeling that way. This post is not being written to focus on the negative, yet let’s deal with the elephant: this year has been downright awful for so many people in the world.

That being said, pictured here are just a few of the reasons that I’m thankful.

And I’m fighting like crazy to keep my mind looking for the sweet blessings often hidden within the pain; within the junk. They are still there, you just might have to look harder. I’m trying to keep my heart grateful, and not hardened.

I hope you will be with a loved one or friend this Thanksgiving. I know it will most likely look very different this year. And even if you are separated by miles and masks, you are LOVED! Above all, you are loved by our Heavenly Father, the creator of all. And yes, it’s hard to hear, but He’s allowing all of “it” to happen. He’s writing a beautiful symphony for His people. And crazy enough, this year will play it’s part in the overall piece. We can’t see it. We don’t understand it. We cannot fathom how this will all come together, but it will. We need to lean on our faith (possibly) like never before.

If you’ve never considered yourself a person of faith, let me say, come on in- the water’s fine. I honestly cannot imagine trying to navigate this year (or any year) without it. Reach out to me, or someone you know who already follows God. He loves you more and has your best in mind more than any person ever could. You are already part of the family, He’s just waiting for you to accept the invitation.

Making the decision to follow God in 2020 would amazingly make it your best year ever.

Embrace Life

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