Worth the Wait

I’ve always wanted to be a mom.

When asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I would say a mom. I soon realized that’s not what people were expecting as an answer, but I honestly wasn’t excited about having a career. I have had jobs, but have always felt my lifelong calling was to motherhood.

I finally had that dream realized at the age of 35. And let me tell you, the waiting was hard. Almost unbearable at times. I also didn’t get married until I was 34, so I was longing for a husband during the waiting as well.

God grew me a lot during that time, and I know with certainty that I would not have been the same mom if I had had children in my 20s. Yet, I still do not have it all figured out. With age can come wisdom, yet there’s something so unique about parenting your own children. It just has to be lived. All the books or advice in the world can only get you so far.

My Asher and Maggie were worth the wait!

No two people can bring me so much joy and so much frustration, often in the same hour. I love them more than I thought it was possible to love a person. Can other moms give me an amen??

I also know that not everyone’s longing to be a mom comes with actually bearing children. All sorts of “moms” are desperately needed in this world. Adoptive, foster, mentor, aunt, grandmother- you are needed and appreciated. To those still in a time of waiting, you are seen and your longing is noted. I pray God fulfills the desires of your heart.

Happy Mother’s Day!!

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