Maggie’s Miracle

We received some miracle news about our sweet Maggie Jane- we’ve got a lot to smile about!

(Even more than just the baby quail she’s holding. )

Since Maggie was born, she had a PFO- a small hole in the heart- that should have closed right after birth, yet can close after a few years.

She also had a functioning bicuspid aortic valve- should be tricuspid. So she had 2 parts of a valve (2 flaps had fused together), instead of a normal 3.

She had to be checked every 3 years, showed no symptoms, and the doctor felt she should not be restricted in any way. We knew it wasn’t nothing, but we were made to feel that she was ok.

We recently had her follow up and the doctor was making the bicuspid valve seem like something more serious and always something we’d need to watch. Before her echocardiogram I started praying that her heart would be healed and we would be done with all follow up appointments.

The doctor called and guess what- the echocardiogram showed no hole- but a fused flap! Even better, was the news that instead of a bicuspid aortic valve, she now has a tricuspid valve!! (2 became 3!!)

The doc double checked the results and started saying that maybe old results were read incorrectly, which I know is not the case, and she was shocked by this result. We know that God healed our girl’s heart and gave her a tricuspid valve!! A miracle for sure- we are beyond thankful.

It’s often thought that God only did miracles in Bible times. Not only is that not stated in the Bible, but I’ve experienced it both with being healed of thyroid cancer, and now Maggie’s healed heart. God is our healer (it’s even one of his names- Jehovah Rapha). Be encouraged friends!

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