Healthy Mama, Healthy Family-Balance

I am not trendy. By the time I figure things out, I missed the boat years ago. It’s not that I live under a rock (although sometimes I feel like I do), like all moms, I’m busy just getting by. I often wonder how so many of you do it- stay in the know; be the hip mom. I stopped fighting that one a long time ago. The older I get (and I am an older mom with young kiddos) I realize I need to be who I am. The mom I am is the mom my kids need. I am meant to be their mom. And you are meant to be the mom of your kids.  Isn’t that amazing?! Take comfort in that.

I’m learning about balance. Balance in oh so many things. Its kind if my mantra.

Part of it is that I’m an observer. I want to watch and see how things play out. Is this going to stick? Part of it is that I do miss things for a while. I’ll own that. I figure if a trend is worth knowing, I’ll hear about it. A key is having friends who are in the know. I have awesome friends. I don’t take that lightly. I feel very blessed.

Balance is about learning, and learning from those around you is part of the equation. Choose wisely- you become a reflection of those around you. For me, balance is also about prayer. Part of my prayers is that I’m focusing on the right things for me and my family. I encourage you to have prayer as part of your life.  If you aren’t sure what that looks like, ask someone who has it in her/his life.  Or ask me.  I’d love to talk about it with you.  I’d also encourage you to have some sort of Bible time as a part of your life.  I do better with some sort of guide.  I have read the Bible through in entirety (I say this NOT to impress you all).  I only got through it by following a guide.  I did this before kiddos.  And at this point in my life, I do better with a devotional or short, daily study.  I really love the site She Reads Truth.  Also, check out the app called First 5. Jesus Calling is a great book that is also very popular. Yet, all that said, going straight to the Bible is best.

I’ve mentioned this in my Freedoms post- join a moms group. It can really make you feel like you are not alone.  You have support.  You are not going crazy. Ok, so maybe we are all going crazy, but at least we are going crazy together!!

Another part of my quest for balance is through my physical health.  At this stage of my life, I enjoy doing yoga.  No I’m not doing ohms in my family room.  For me it’s all about stretching, breathing, and trying to shut my mind off for a few minutes to all that has to be done.  It will still be there.  And try not to think about what my children may or may not be destroying while, “mommy just needs a few minutes by herself”.  But I did find a series of (free) videos on YouTube that I really like, and I just stream them to our TV and do a little 30 min (or mostly less) workout in my home.  If you are interested in what they are, comment below.  I tried the gym for a while and I know that works best for many people, it wasn’t working for me and the kiddos right now. Point being, do what you can for the stage of life you are in.  But do try to exercise!  My sis-in-law encouraged me to do a 5 and 10 program (thanks Belinda!!).  It’s getting in God’s word for at least 5 minutes a day, and exercising at least 10 minutes a day.  I realize that as moms even this can seem daunting.  I actually schedule it in my day.  Or I know it doesn’t get done.  Again, healthy mama and all that trickles down to…

A third area I’m trying to balance that ties to keeping both me and my whole family healthy, are the products we use.  Lately I’m on the search for the “best” products. I’ll go into what prompted me to head down this path in a post about my personal health struggles coming soon.  The ones that are healthy, organic, clean, whatever your word is. There is so much junk out there- even junk packaged as “good” for us. We need to be careful. Companies are not looking out for us. We need to look out for us. I’ve found certain products, and certain companies I love.  Here is more info on one.

Ladies, mamas, I know you care about your health. And the health of your sweet kiddos even more! Products we use in and on our bodies are important! “Clean” is a word that’s trending to describe products and food.  Change it from just describing something we do all day, to what we use, or how we eat.  That, my friends, is not a trend.

At times I’ll be recommending products on this site. They will be things that work for our family, our redheads. I can’t promise they will work for you, yet I can promise that I’ll be honest in my recommendations.

Embrace Life!


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