The Gift of Wellness

Gifts are on everyone’s mind this time of year.

We all go through different methods for gift buying.

Some flat out ask- I’m mostly like this.  I want to get you something you want.  Yet at other times, it’s nice to just know someone enough to just find the “perfect” gift for them without asking. Am I right??!

What’s your go to?

However you buy gifts, I can’t imagine anyone buying something and thinking, “I hope they find no value in this”.

Yet so many gifts are put in a drawer, or used a couple of times, and then tossed aside.

Let’s be honest, when it comes to kids, you can have them carve their list into stone tablets and there is still a high chance that they will get what they asked for and it will still end up in the recesses of their closet or they will play more with the box the item came in.  (Seriously, I’m honestly temped to get a few empty boxes and call it a day. LOL!!)

Yet for adults in your life, what if you gave something that enhanced their life?

The first, and most important way to do this is to introduce someone to Jesus.  His gift of eternal life is unmatched and the most life changing gift there is.  If that is something you’d like to know more about, please reach out to me, or to someone who has expressed they have a personal relationship with him.

The second gift that I whole heartedly feel can enhance a life and provide ongoing benefits is introducing them to a toxin-free life.  Stay with me here.

I call it the Gift of Wellness. If you ask most people what they value most in this life, I can pretty much guarantee that health will be one of their top items.  And if there has been sickness, many will hope and pray the coming year will be filled with good health. You can have money, you can have an amazing family and friends, but if you don’t have your health, it’s not easy to enjoy these things.

I’ve said it before, I’m super passionate about educating others on having a toxin-free home (or as close to it as possible.)  I really do feel that doing this can get you (or someone you love- young or old) on the path to WELLNESS!

My toxin-free search led me to essential oils.

I go over a bunch of reasons why this has made a difference to me and my family here.  But, honestly try to imagine ending 2017 and starting 2018 by having the systems in your body supported naturally.  A boosted immune system.  A higher quality of sleep.  A more relaxed home environment.  Less trips to the pediatrician’s office. Oils are extracted from the plants that God gave us, have therapeutic properties, and have been used since the beginning of time. Use them!!

Introducing yourself, or someone you love, to this whole oily world could really be life changing.  I fought it for a long time guys.  It’s just a fad.  Don’t bow to the “man”. Or whatever.

It’s not a fad or a trend.  It’s real and I’ve seen the benefits with my own eyes.

This isn’t a gift that’s immediate.  Well it is, but it’s a journey- and I really do think those gifts are the best kind. And on this journey, as it is in all the best ones, you (or your loved ones) are not alone.  You are surrounded by support.  Support from me, and support from oh so many others who have tapped into this life of wellness, too.

Really think about the gifts you are giving this Christmas.  Will they be tossed aside?  Will the box be more valuable than the gift inside?  Or will it matter.  Reach out to me and we’ll get you one that matters.

Embrace Life!

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