Want to Know a Secret?

So what do you do?

It’s THE question.

The conversation could go a million ways based on that answer.

I totally own that I am a mom.  More specifically, a mom of redheads. I’m so proud and blessed to say that.  I am a mom, first and foremost.

But do you want to know a secret?  There’s something else I’m super passionate about that’s harder to tell people sometimes. Silly, I know.

A friend of mine just reminded me to be bold, and say it out loud!

I sell essential oils.

But let’s be honest, anyone connected with me knows it’s soooo much more than Selling. Essential. Oils.

I’m on a journey guys.  For health and wellness.  To be empowered so that I can lead and guide my family.  To find healthy options.  To be our health advocate- because let’s be honest, no one else will do that for us. To know that I don’t have to buy the same things I’ve always bought.  I don’t have to clean my house the way I always have.  I don’t have to take the same supplements I always have. I can provide another stream of income.  I can help my family find freedom in so many ways!!

People who have not been a part of an amazing MLM community (and no, they are not all created equal) can shut off when I share what I “do”. And I get it.  Multi-Level, or Network Marketing has gotten a bad rap because of, well, people. Life is so easy when you remove the people.  Right?? But then there’s no relationship, no connection. No love, no joy. God has us live in community with others for a reason.

So as I “sell” oils, I teach and empower families. I educate on health and wellness options. I prompt people to read labels. I train how to be your own boss and pass on what you learn. I support and encourage. I help people set and achieve goals, I see people obtaining wellness and freedom. And I pray for their journey.

I sell essential oils. And I love what I do!

Share what you love!! Start your own health journey!! Reach out and connect.

Embrace Life!

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