Take Control

No, this isn’t about controlling your kids. Ha! It’s about encouraging even 1 person…

First off, while it may seem strange to you when I write about me or my health on a blog about raising redheads, hear me out. If mama is not healthy, she cannot raise her children. Or, cannot raise them well. Make sense? So yes, my health and exercise journey does affect how I “mom”.

Second, my first workout post C and was hard! (We all got hit mid-January, and thankfully it was only a couple of days, kids had no symptoms, and everyone is now great.) Anyone else been there? I struggle with fatigue anyway… But I did it.

And when you realize that exercise is a part of your health you CAN have control over (like food you put IN your body and products you put ON your body) it is dang empowering!! Read that one more time. Then click here.

In a strange way, I think it took a cancer diagnosis for me to really “get” this.

Grasp a hold of the things you can control, like exercise, what you eat, and what you use- it’ll change things for you. God gave you an amazing body. No one controls these areas but YOU! Oh, and get a physical. Yes my dear, I’m talking to you.

No, living these things out doesn’t necessarily determine the outcome, but you can at least say that you did right by your body.

Do the hard things. And let your kids see or know about them. Not to brag, obviously, but to let them get that sometimes things are still tough as an adult. 

Take control. Especially if doing something hard requires planning or training. So many good things can necessitate a small lifestyle change. (Or a big one!) And the outcome of having a healthier body, finishing the race, or earning the certification, is beyond worth it. 

Asher is 8. And man does he have a competitive spirit that wants total fairness. When things don’t come easily or go the way he thinks, it’s often a complete meltdown. (In either anger or crying.) All part of growing up, but I do want him to see that even adults have to work for things. 

Share this with a friend who is making some (health) changes this year and needs to hear this. Or with anyone who has kids to encourage.

Embrace Life

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