Kid Style- the Blues

In this Kid Style, we are all about the blues. Wearing blue, that is.  Although, I do enjoy some good, soulful music, but that’s for another post.

I personally think redheads look great in blue.  At least my redheads do.  I think that probably also holds true for most jewel tones (deep red, green, purple, and blue).  When I got pregnant with Maggie, a switch in me flipped and I decided I wanted a super girly girl.  Pink, fluff, and glitter.  Love it.  Yet, I’ve got to mix it up now and then.  She looks darn cute in her blue.

And although Asher’s favorite color is red, I can often convince him to wear blue with not much of a fight.  (Unless it’s a day where only wearing something with a superhero on the front will do.  We actually have a lot of those days.  Any other boy moms out there feel me on this??)

There you have it.  Short and sweet.  You’re welcome.

Embrace Life!


Maggie’s cloths are all Carters hand-me-downs.  (We love hand-me-downs in this house.)

Asher’s shirts are from Target.  (Hint, once they hit about 4T, try buying XS in the boy department. The shirts are longer and not as wide, meaning they will last them longer as they get taller.)

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