My Health Journey

God had me go through my health journey on purpose.  I’m 100% sure of that.

I don’t know if any of you had any health problems.  I pray you haven’t.  If you have, I pray you are on the road to recovery.  Although we go through different things, I do hope you haven’t had to experience the feeling of knowing things aren’t right in your body, feeling sick all the time, and being told by very reputable doctors that you are “fine’.  I’m going to get really vulnerable here, guys.  So if that isn’t your thing, feel free to stop reading and check out much lighter options like Kid Style, or Genetics.

My journey started just over a year after having Asher.  Up until then, I had gotten pregnant without thinking twice, had an uneventful pregnancy, and although he came 2 weeks early and got stuck on my pelvic bone causing the need for an “emergency” C-section, had an overall healthy birth process and recovery. I felt very blessed. Then we decided to try for baby #2. Since I’d gotten pregnant so easy the first time, I had gone back on birth control.  We knew we wanted 2 kids, but didn’t want them back-to-back. So, I stopped BC and my body went wacky.  I felt sick.  All the time. It felt like I was newly pregnant- nausea, headaches, bloating, fatigue.  Every. Day.  Many thought my symptoms emulated thyroid disease. My gut told me it was hormonal.

I believe in conventional medicine.  I completely do.  It has its place and has cured diseases and saved countless lives in countless ways.  I honestly feel like without it, I wonder if I would have survived the childbirth process with Asher. I am truly grateful. Yet, you’ll see in this case, I feel as though it didn’t serve me well. I proceed to go see 2 doctors- one was my OBGYN, the other an Endocrinologist.  Lots of tests were run (including thyroid).  I still remember the call I received from the OBGYN, telling me, “Congratulations, you’re fine!” I cried.  I knew I wasn’t fine. Months went by; 3, 6, 8.  No pregnancy. My battle had become a pendulum between wanting to feel “normal” and wanting to have a baby. A good friend recommended I see her Endocrinologist. Again, more tests.  He found that a bunch of levels of hormones and different things were really off.  Finally, I felt like this wasn’t all in my head!!

He told me I had 2 options.  I could take a serious drug in which I would have to be periodically monitored to make sure my body was handling the drug and side affects all right. And, I could NOT become pregnant while on the drug as it causes serious birth defects. Or, I could start fertility treatments.  I had no other options.  (Really, he actually told me those were my only 2 options.)  Those were the only things I could do to “feel better”. They seemed so drastic and opposite. How could that be?

I was at my wits end.  I felt awful every day and now the idea of wanting a baby consumed me. (Shout out to my awesome husband here for walking through this with me.  I was far from a peach to live with.)  As in all hard times in my life, once again, my faith did not let me down.  I knew I needed to turn to God.  To put this all in his hands.  Sometimes I think I have to get low before my stubborn self puts my own wants aside and finally sees that He is my way up, my way through a tough situation.  I cried to Him.  I was angry with Him.  I didn’t understand why I was going through this.  And I had to ask the tough question- was I supposed to do fertility treatments, or was it really that I was not supposed to have another baby? I drew closer to God then, more than only a couple of other times in my life.  He is always there.  I have often moved.  I felt Him tell me to stay the course. To search for another option.

My search led me to a Naturopath.  I had a number of friends give me great referrals.  I chose one whom I felt I would click with.  I felt as though she finally heard me and validated my symptoms, my hormone imbalances, among other things, and worked with me to find the root of my issues- not just hand me a narcotic to fix the symptoms. She also led me to really start thinking about making changes with what I put in and on my body. Our body, and its systems, are so connected.  It really is amazing.  Such a testament to the fact that only God could have orchestrated such a design.  She wanted me to start with food.  What was I eating, and how was it affecting my body? I did some plant based supplements as well.  I was told that for most supplements, our bodies don’t, or can’t, absorb most of what is in them.  The doctor was a fountain of knowledge and I was eager to learn.  I had heard parts of it before, but it was all real for me now.  There was also the idea that we absorb a lot through our skin.  I had changed some of the products I used when I was pregnant with Asher to try to be more “natural”, but now I felt like my health depended on it.

Side note for ya: Your skin is the largest organ in your body.  Do you really want to be absorbing toxic chemicals through lotions, soaps, detergents, cleaning products, hair products, makeup, etc.?? Just food for thought.

That was just the beginning for me.  I felt better!  And, I got pregnant with my sweet Maggie Jane 2 months after first seeing the Naturopath. I know it was all part of God’s plan.  She was the baby I was waiting for.  I believe He used the Naturopath to help me get my body ready to sustain the pregnancy, to teach me a ton about hormones, and to open my eyes to things I had only slightly paid attention to. (Like how incredibly important food and product ingredients are.)

It’s been 3 years since it all began. I’ve gone on to find great natural health options and products that I’ve switched to over time.  And it does take time. But isn’t your family worth it?

I’ll go into specifics on products and doctors in a post that will be called Healthy Mama, Healthy Family.

Be your own advocate.  If you are told that there is only one solution and your gut tells you there has to be another option- search for one.  And/or search for another health professional to help you find that option.  I believe that through prayer and sometimes through getting the word out that you are searching for help with XYZ symptoms/diagnosis, it’s amazing how information can come your way at the exact time you need it.  Here’s to your health!!

Embrace Life!

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