Month in Balance

Ladies!! (Guys swipe on by, trust me.)

How do you handle your month? Not just that “time of the month”, but all of it??

I was all over the map!!! My hormones, that is.

I got pregnant with 1 baby easily. Then went on birth control until we were ready for baby #2.  Then nothing. And I felt horrible. Like I was prego all the time. The not fun parts like nausea, and feeling emotional, and extreme fatigue. Or like I had thyroid problems. All the time. With an almost 2 year old in the house. It was hard. Really hard.

Turns out like 9 of my hormones were out of whack and my adrenal glands were messed up, causing my cortisol to be way lower than it should ever have been.

I say all of this so if you identify at all- you are not alone!!!

So what did I do? Now mind you, I am NOT a doctor, in case you forgot.

(Yet I have sought advice of a naturopathic physician who uses, loves, and swears by more natural health option, including Young Living Essential Oils.)

I looked at what I put IN and ON my body. I took the idea of diet seriously and how that affects our whole system- including hormones.  And then, really for the first time in my life, I took what I put on my body seriously.  I am blissfully naïve and assumed that companies that sell expensive products or ones in reputable places wouldn’t sell anything that could harm me.

Ug, I know!!!

I learned that our skin is the largest organ on our body and it absorbs everything!!! And a lot of the “chemicals” that are ingredients in normal household and personal care products contain hormone and endocrine disruptors.  This is bad.  It’s also bad that by using products with these toxins and others like it, our bodies go through something called bioaccumulation.  Basically, our body can’t flush out toxins as fast as we are putting them in.

And if for some reason you don’t care about this for yourself, think of your loved ones.  Especially the little ones. And now for my “month”, I didn’t want to turn to something synthetic, toxic, or artificial.

I love Young Living Essential Oils.  They are pure, therapeutic grade oils.  Not all oils are created equally.  Test the purity and potency of some for yourself.  Heck, just crack open a bottle of YL versus a bottle from a health food store and you will smell what I’m talking about.

Now I turn to oils all month.  (And pretty much for everything in life.) There’s not an exact science to oils, because everyone’s body chemistry is different. Yet, to me, it’s so great to be able to figure out what works best for each person!! Reminder- I am not a doctor. And if you are pregnant or nursing, seek advice.

I’ve been asked specifically what I use to help me balance my “month”, and I’m sure that you, too, are on the edge of your seat. So here it goes!!

Endoflex – I use Endoflex every day.  It nourishes our thyroid and adrenal glands, and helps balance out the pituitary gland.  And by doing so, our body should produce hormones as it is meant to on its own. A win in my book! (Seek advice before using if you have Hashimotos.)

*Side note here- essential oils don’t heal the body.  They reach the body at a cellular level and support its systems so that the body can heal itself.  I know, I was amazed when I learned this, too!!

Progessence Plus- I add Progessence Plus 10 days before menstruation.  This is a plant based form of progesterone.  Use it during your luteal phase, then STOP during menstruation. I find this just helps me feel I have more energy and I’m more “on it”. (There’s a lot of info out there on how to use this one. I sought advice and encourage you to do the same.)

Dragon Time- This oil is a top one for balancing out moodiness connected with hormones.  I use it all during my period.  It can be put right on your abdomen, or I actually put it on my wrists or forearms and make sure I breathe it in. Makes the dragon in me simmer down. Ha!!

SclarEssence- This little wonder helps me with any menstruation physical side effects that I don’t want to deal with. I like to apply right to my abdomen, and I’m good to go.

So there you have it!! A little glimpse into my month. Be informed, ladies. Be in tuned to your body, and get your month in balance. If you are interested in getting your hands on any of the little wonders I mention here, I’m happy to help you, or just click here.

Embrace Life!

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