Kid Style- Too Cool for Spring

Spring has sprung- in Arizona at least.  Many days have been in the 70s- yet it keeps creeping down (ha ha) to the 60s.  This is not said to brag.  Really!!  Us Phoenicians need to remind ourselves why we live here during this time of year.  Because when it’s over 100 degrees for um-teen months in a row, we need to remember this time. Ha!

So, I thought we should get out for a little photo shoot and put the kiddos in fun spring pastels.  Yes, I do think both boys and girls can wear pastels, redheads or not.

First up, Ash! He’s sporting Target for both his shirt and shorts.  Let’s be real, their stuff looks cute but doesn’t cost a ton. And, not sure if I’ve given this tip, but if you little guy is growing taller, their Cat&Jack size XS(4-5) fits him great!  Longer shirts and not as wide as 4T or 5T, which will last longer.  And, if you haven’t tried sunglasses for your kids, you may be surprised that they might wear them.  Mine will actually keep them on quite a bit.  Also from Target.

And here’s Mags!! Ok, so I’m really liking a company called Screaming Owl for her.  Super cute stuff and not expensive.  They only carry a few items at once and when they are gone, they are gone.  Details on their site.  Lots of holiday prints, ruffles and girlie looks- and I’m loving that for my sweet girl.

Here’s to a great spring for everyone!  Whenever it arrives!!

Embrace Life!

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